Wyoming Indian School have an early release of today and tomorrow (2/27/25 and 2/28/25) due to regional basketball tournament for our Boys and Girls basketball team. 12:40- WIES, 1:00- WIMS, 1:00- WIHS
13 days ago, Blakke Bertram
ATTENTION: Parents & Guardians, There is NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, February 7, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Lainey Addison
We have narrowed our 25-26 and 26-27 calendars down to a couple options. There are a few differences with the biggest being our start and end date. Please choose a calendar option for each year. Feel free to leave comments. https://forms.gle/BXrAoEs8Uz4kpdFz7
about 1 month ago, Blakke Bertram
Please take time to fill out this survey to get us feedback on what our community needs are for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school year. https://forms.gle/61mhS1o3u2aGuxAf9
about 2 months ago, Blakke Bertram
PUBLIC NOTICE The Fremont County School District #14 regularly scheduled School Board Meeting for tonight has been rescheduled for October 16, 2024 at 5:30pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.
5 months ago, Lainey Addison
Due to the water issue at the high school, high school practices will be optional at 4:00 today at the high school. High school students must provide their own transportation for practice.
5 months ago, Lainey Addison
Due to no water pressure at the high school, WIHS will be dismissing high school students at 1:00 today. All bus routes will run with high school students at 1:00pm. Elementary and middle school students will remain in school until normal release time. Regular bus routes will remain for elementary and middle school students.
5 months ago, Lainey Addison
8/7/2024 Good Morning Parents/Guardians. Our phone lines for the entire district are currently down. We are in the process of getting them fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
7 months ago, Rochelle Whiteman
Just a reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences start tonight March 13 and tomorrow March 14. There will be NO SCHOOL this Friday March 15, 2023 for students and staff. Please contact your school for any further information: Elementary: 307-332-2053 Middle School: 307-332-2992 High School: 307-332-9765
12 months ago, Lainey Addison
Dear Parents and Guardians, There will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, February 9, 2024. This will be a Cultural In-Service day for staff.
about 1 year ago, Lainey Addison
No School - 2/9/2024
Parents/guardians: Reminder- Consolidated Grants and School Improvement Plans Stakeholder meeting. Tuesday 4:30-5:30 in the elementary school library. Pizza and door prizes!
over 1 year ago, Lainey Addison
Consolidated Grants and School Improvement Plans Stakeholder meeting
Join us tomorrow for Employment Information Night! September 20th at 5:00 p.m. High School Commons Area Pizza will be Provided!
over 1 year ago, Wyoming Indian Schools
Employment Information Night
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: If you have a student in the Elementary Robotics Club they will ride the 6:00 PM activity bus tonight. If you have any question please call the elementary at 307-332-2053
over 1 year ago, Lainey Addison
NOTICE - SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AND BOARD WORK SESSION FCSD #14 Special Board Meeting Friday, July 28 @ 2:00 Tech Center Re: Personnel - hiring recommendations FCSD #14 Board Work Session Friday, July 28 @ 2:30 Tech Center Re: Board Self-Evaluation
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Zickefoose
Dear Parents and Guardians, Online registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open. Building Principals and Secretaries will be back on August 1, 2023 for any assistance you need in person or over the phone with registration. First day of school is August 16, 2023. Wyoming Indian Elementary: 307-332-2053 Wyoming Indian Middle School: 307-332-2992 Wyoming Indian High School: 307-332-9765
over 1 year ago, Lainey Addison
FCSD#14 Consolidated Grant Stakeholder Meeting May 25, 2023 4:00 pm Chief’s Tech Center
almost 2 years ago, Elizabeth Smiley
Chiefs Logo
DESTRUCTION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS Fremont County School District #14-Wyoming Indian Schools- will be destroying inactive Special Education student records. All student files with a 2015-2016 school year graduation date and files for students no longer receiving services since that date will be permanently destroyed. Anyone wishing to obtain personal records should contact the FCSD #14 Special Education office at (307) 332-2992 or visit the Special Education office at Wyoming Indian Middle School (WIMS) before June 23, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Todd Ghormley
Fremont County School District #14 will facilitate a Title VI - Office of Indian Education Parent Committee meeting on Thursday, May 11, 2023. Time: 5:30 PM Location: WIHS Library Fremont County School District 14 has the opportunity to apply for US Department of Education, Office of Indian Education, Title VI funding for School Year 2023-2024. It is the purpose of the Title VI Office of Indian Education program to support the efforts of local educational agencies (school districts) to meet the “unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Indian students”. The Title VI program ensures that Indian students gain the knowledge and understanding of their Native community, their Native Language, Tribal history, traditions and culture. The Title VI OIE program ensures that teachers and respective school district staff who serve Indian students have the ability to provide culturally appropriate and effective instruction and supports to Native students.
almost 2 years ago, Todd Ghormley
Dear Parents and Guardians: Due to the impending winter storm, we will be having a temporary virtual snow day tomorrow, April 4th. The district will be closed. Please check your email, website, and chiefs nation for further information regarding the virtual snow day.
almost 2 years ago, Lainey Addison
Due to continued snow, wind and severe cold; school will be held virtually again tomorrow Thursday, Feb. 23. District campuses will be closed. Information on the Virtual Snow Day Plan was sent out via text/email and posted on the district website and Chiefs Nation. All students should have a copy of the Virtual Plan letter and their school work, for Thursday. PLEASE have students complete their school assignments and connect with their teachers tomorrow (Zoom, email, text, etc.) We should be back to school on Friday. Stay safe and warm. Thank you for reading this message. If you have questions, please contact the District Office. Go Chiefs!
about 2 years ago, Lainey Addison