Compliance Training

Fremont County School District #14 is concerned about the health and safety of all employees as well as the students. In order to best serve that interest the district is committed to the annual training of teachers and staff as well as developing a robust knowledge bank of additional resources available to all district employees, students, and community. Annual mandatory training modules from Frontline Education to be completed by all staff include:
Section 504
Schools and school districts are committed to providing education to all students in their communities that meets the individual needs free from discrimination. The Federal government under several legislative acts guarantee the rights of students to receive access to education that will allow them to become successful citizens. In this tutorial written by Diane Schweitzer, you will learn in this tutorial: Federal legislative Acts that ensure access to education; ADA, Section 504, OCR, and IDEA; Governing bodies that oversee guaranteed rights of individuals; Definitions of disability, accommodations; Compliance requirements for meeting objectives of the Acts; School District Responsibilities and Due Process and Legal Remedy.
Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits the discrimination of any person based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in education programs or activities that receive federal financial aid. Staff will learn key elements of the law and their responsibility under the current regulations.
McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
The Mckinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law designed to give homeless students a fair shot at education. The act requires local education agencies to designate a local liaison to ensure homeless children and youth receive the services they need.
Jason Flatt Suicide Prevention Training
This training is a more in-depth study of the problem of youth suicide and how teachers/youth workers can make a difference by gaining the tools and resources to help an at-risk student. It uses the educator's tools of observation, identification and intervention to hopefully direct a positive future for a young person who may be suffering from suicidal ideation. Information from experts is included as well as a discussion of some of the mental health issues surrounding suicidal ideation.
FERPA and HIPAA are federal laws that require employees to maintain confidentiality with regard to student information. In addition, these laws give parents and eligible students some aspects of control over, and rights to correction of, student information. This training provides specific rules as well as suggested guidelines for remaining in compliance with the requirements of the FERPA and HIPAA laws.
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention
Working in any environment with a high concentration of people can increase the risk of exposure to germs and infectious agents on a daily basis. Specifically, bodily fluids can put you in danger of infection. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease. This course is designed to provide an overview of the dangers posed by bloodborne pathogens and steps you can take to protect yourself and others from exposure. Topics covered include exposure risk, OSHA guidelines, universal precautions, personal protective equipment, and safe cleanup and disposal practices.
Confidentiality and the IDEA
Conflict Management: Student-to-Student
Conflicts that go unmanaged can have a negative effect on the school environment. This course provides school staff members with an overview on student-to-student conflict, and several ways to respond. Topics include: student conflicts, consequences and basic conflict management models.
De-Escalation Strategies
The goal of this course is to educate school staff in the proper use of de-escalation strategies in properly managing student behavior. Topics covered include the Conflict Cycle and preventative measures, the development of meaningful relationships, how to recognize signs of escalation, and de-escalation tips.
Restraint and Seclusion
While children are learning to control their own behavior, they may need help from adults to prevent them from harming property, other people or even themselves. In this course, teachers and other school staff members will receive an overview on the use of restraint and seclusion to deal with emergency situations.
Digital Security & Protection