Professional Development
Continual professional development (PD) is a core component of our school improvement process. Professional growth is necessary to provide the best learning experiences and opportunities for the students of Wyoming Indian Schools. All staff are invited to participate in a variety of staff development opportunities, that revolve around:
Content knowledge - may include knowledge specific to an academic subject area for teachers and paraprofessionals or background knowledge relevant to non-teaching positions (like bus drivers, cooks, custodians, administrators).
General pedagogical knowledge - includes instructional, classroom management, and intervention strategies.
Contextual knowledge - includes basic understanding of students and their community, as well as Native American culture, language, history, and traditions.
Technology & Digital Tools - includes how to integrate the use technology into daily instruction (e.g., Canvas, Zoom, Google Suite, PearDeck); how to create effective and engaging virtual lessons; and the development of Digital Literacy in staff and students.

Types of Professional Development
Research has shown that professional development must be on-going, sustained, and job-embedded in order to be effective. In addition, staff must receive meaningful feedback.
FCSD#14 provides a wide range of professional development opportunities throughout the school year designed to promote collective staff efficacy:
In-Service Days - Used to build shared knowledge; provided by outside consultants or in-house specialists; includes Native American Education in-service days organized by Cultural Mentors.
Workshops or Conferences - Includes regional, state, or national conferences on content, pedagogy, or context.
Job-Embedded, Ongoing PD - Provided by in-house staff or outside consultants. After presentation of theory and/or modeling of strategies, staff practice using the strategies, share outcomes, and give/receive support from peers.
Instructional Rounds - May be real time or virtual; teachers discuss instructional practices observed and plan how to improve on those strategies.
Instructional Strategy Share-outs - Staff share tips and techniques, model strategies, and provide resources to help with lesson and unit planning. Topics include Native American culture, instructional strategies, technology in the classroom, data conferencing, team meeting procedures, etc. Instructional staff deepen knowledge of the FCSD #14 Instructional Model and sharpen pedagogical practice through collaborative conversation.
Mentor Programs - Includes new staff mentoring program and a Culture mentor program.
Classroom Coaching - Teachers and Instructional Facilitators work collaboratively to practice, reflect on, and improve implementation of the evidence-based strategies.
Walkthrough Observations & Feedback - Principals observe classroom instruction and provide feedback to staff.
Academic/Grade-Level/Administrative teams - Participate in collaborative scholarship on topics or strategies identified by the individual team in order to improve instruction, use of data, leadership, etc. May take the form of on-line PD, book studies, modeling, in-house or outside consultants, webinars, action research, etc.
Individual PD - Independent scholarship on a topic relevant to current needs of the staff member. May take the form of on-line PD, book studies, videos, in-house or outside consultants, webinars, networking, etc.
General Pedagogy:
Collaborative Teams:
Corwin (See Free Resources)