Quick Look IDEA Acronyms
Acronyms and Definitions
Special Education Acronyms & Definitions Commonly Used in Wyoming
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
AYP: Adequate Yearly Progress
BIT: Building Intervention Team
BART: Building At-Risk Team
BOE: Body of Evidence
BOCES: Board of Cooperative Education Services (schools)
CDC: Child Development Centers
CDS: Child Development Services
CEC: Council for Exceptional Children
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations (a Federal law)
CHS: Children's Health Services
CST: Child Study Team
DD: Developmentally Disabled
DDD: Developmental Disabilities Division
DDC: Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities
DVR: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
EIC: Early Intervention Council
ESEA: Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ELL: English Language Learner
ESL: English as a Second Language
ESY: Extended School Year
FAPE: Free Appropriate Public Education
FBA: Functional Behavior Assessment
FEOG: Full Educational Opportunity Goal
FERPA: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
HCB: Home and Community Based Waiver
ICAP: Inventory for Client & Agency Planning
ICFMR: Intermediate Care Facility/Mental Retardation
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEE: Independent Education Evaluation
IEP: Individual Education Program
IFSP: Individual Family Service Plan
IPC: Individual Plan of Care
IPE: Individual Plan for Employment
IQ: Intelligence Quotient/relationship between chronological age and mental development
JEC: Joint Education Committee
LEA: Local Education Agency (school district)
LEP: Limited English Proficient
LICC: Local Interagency Coordinating Council
LRE: Least Restrictive Environment
MAP: Measure of Academic Progress
MCH: Maternal & Child Health
MDAT: Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Team
NCA: North Central Accreditation
NCLB: No Child Left Behind Education Act
NICHCY: Natl. Info. Center for Children & Youth w/ Disabilities
OCR: Office of Civil Rights
OSEP: Office of Spec. Ed. Programs (US Dept of Education)
MDAT: Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Team
P & A : Protection and Advocacy, Inc.
PAWS: Proficiency Assessment for Wyoming Students
PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
PEN: Parent Education Network
PHN: Public Health Nurse
PIC: Parent Information Center
RtI: Response to Intervention
SRC: State Rehabilitation Council
SEA: State Education Agency/State Dept of Education
SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI: Supplemental Security Income
SSP: State Supplementary Payments
VI: Visual Disability
VR: Vocational Rehabilitation
W.S.: Wyoming Statute (a state law)
WAPSD: Wyoming Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities
WASEA: WY Association of Special Education Administrators
WIND: WY Institute for Disabilities
WATR: WY Assistive Technology Resources
(Adapted from Parent Information Center: Keys… to confident and effective parent participation in the special education process. Full copies of this helpful resource are available in the Special Education Office at Wyoming Indian Middle School.)
Building Intervention Team (BIT)
A team usually consisting of the building principal, the student's teacher, and other professionals. Its purpose is to review screening information on students who may be experiencing difficulty in school. The team may recommend interventions, monitor the implementation and progress of interventions and refer the student for a multidisciplinary evaluation, if necessary.
Goals and Objectives
The IEP team develops goals and objectives to help the student benefit from education. The goals and objectives are designed individually for each student and are linked to state standards for all students. Special education teachers report progress toward meeting your child's goals quarterly.
Individual Education Program (IEP)
A written plan that includes educational goals for the student and describes the special education program which will be provided to reach those goals. Parents are active participants in the meeting in which the IEP is written. You will receive a copy of the IEP after the meeting.
IEP Annual Review
A yearly meeting of the IEP team including parents and other professionals serving the child. This is held to review your child's progress during the past year and plan for the year ahead. You may, however, call an IEP meeting at any time; you do not have to wait until the annual review to meet if you have concerns or wish to review the IEP.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
LRE refers to a 'free and appropriate public education' in an educational setting with age-appropriate non-disabled peers. Special classes and separate schools are considered only when the severity or complexity of a child's disability prevents them from making progress in a general education class.
Multidisciplinary Evaluation
An evaluation of the referred student's educational needs, designed to determine whether the student qualifies for special education services. A multidisciplinary evaluation must focus on the suspected disability as indicated by the referral and can only be conducted with written parental consent. The exact nature of the evaluation depends upon the complexity of the student's educational difficulties and areas of suspected disabilities. The evaluation process must be repeated at least every three years to determine if the student continues to qualify for special education services.
Students may be referred for a multidisciplinary evaluation in areas of suspected disabilities by the BIT.