WIHS Newletter
The Mission of Wyoming Indian High School is to create foundations of success, prepare each unique student for the future, and nurture an environment of cultural awareness.
Our Vision: We exist for the students at Wyoming Indian High School to reflect our commitment to helping all students learn at high levels and to know their cultural identities and traditions.
Welcome Leona Buckman!!!
Wyoming Indian High School is honored to have Leona Buckman join us as our Grandparent Mentor.

Arapaho Words Of The Month
Shoshone Word Of The Month
February - Heneene3ebeiht
Happy Valentine’s Day! - Hoonoobee’ Biixoo3etiiniisi’
Heart - betee
I love you! - Biixoo3e3en
My sweetheart - nebii’o’oo
I like to play basketball - Niini’eeneetowoo kokoh’ohwoo’
Shoot it! - To’ootoo
Ball - Kokoh’ohwoo’
Chiefs - Neeceeno’
Lady Chiefs - Neeceeseino’
February - Taiye Meaq
Happy Valentine’s Day! - Tsayu masuwah tavaih
Heart - Pihi
I love you! - Ne Zaqusuwangande
My sweetheart - Niah tiihimpe
I like to play basketball - Ne nasepai ha newii suwah
Shoot it! - Magupa u tahwii
Ball - Nasepai
Chiefs - taigwayhii
Lady Chiefs - taiwahii
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Hahou To Our Fabulous Cooks Leslie Trosper-Leandra Armour-Callie Valdez
Chiefs & Lady Chiefs Sports Center 2023-2024
Student Announcements
-Students as a reminder our school policy states that we are a closed campus. There will be no checking out to go and eat lunch. Check out is only allowed for court, family emergencies, funerals, and Doctor Appointments.
-On Friday students are not to leave campus until the 1:00 bell for dismissal rings. Please wait until the bell and you can go!
-Students make sure you put your backpacks in your lockers please.
-Students please throw away your trash during lunch. The trash is blowing around the grounds so please help our grounds keepers keep our areas clean. They work very hard to make it look nice!
-Students make sure you are taking care of your chromebooks and storing them in your designated area. The School Board has been very nice about buying chromebooks for everyone so please take care of them.
-Students make sure you turn your computers in your right classroom. If you abandon yourcomputer. Pam Gambler will keep your computer until further notice.
-Students please have no food in lockers.