Welcome Back to School
Wyoming Indian High School is at the beginning of a new school year! Like the changing of the seasons, and the dawning of a new day, it reminds us that the future holds endless possibilities. I hope your summer was relaxing, filled with adventures and good health as you deserve it. The opportunity to refuel over the summer is a necessary element of the important work that you do. I know we are about to begin a great school year filled with hope, vision, and excitement. As we begin this new year, I wish everyone the greatest success as we welcome over 180 students to their educational journey of 2023-2024.
This year will be shaped by our change efforts as outlined in our Comprehensive School Plan. Our accomplishments have been outstanding and we will continue our focus on teaching and learning, so that our students graduate, college and career ready. While maintaining the implementation of the initiatives already in place, this year we will still focus on a Climate of Learning, addressing Data Usage, SEL, PBIS and school safety. We also plan to enhance staff support and development in core content areas. Provide after school tutoring at the high school for our students. It is going to be a year of great ambition and promise. I know we can meet all of our initiatives because we have a faculty and staff that believes in the promise of educational excellence. We know that we have work to do, work that requires commitment, focus and collaboration and we know that we will succeed.
I do not need to remind you of how important your job is as staff and students at Wyoming Indian High School. My hope is that through our Learning Communities, both teachers and our students will think of our schools as places where a community of learners come together to do interesting and extremely important work. I hope that you attempt new things this year and students challenge yourselves with hard and interesting questions. I will, in turn, continue to provide the infrastructure and human capacity to support your ability to make great things happen.
In closing, I know that each and every one of us wants to make a difference in the lives of our students. As we move forward with our change efforts, I invite you to think about something
Chief Plenty Coups of the Crow Tribe commented about Indian Education, “Education is your most powerful weapon.” I am confident that we will blaze a trail filled with success and accomplishment as, together, we launch the best year yet for Wyoming Indian High School.
I look forward to a year filled with stories of great success and great learning.
Pamela Gambler, Principal
Wyoming Indian High School