Contact Phone: (307) 332-9765
Pam Gambler - Principal - Ext. 3203
Kevin Ley - Assistant Principal/AD - Ext. 3908
Kirsten Martel - Secretary - Ext. 3202
Suzanna Tso - Attendance Clerk - Ext. 3200
Roland Robinson - Counselor - Ext. 3206
Kim Wiberg - Counselor - Ext. 3207
Student Online Registration (OLR)
23-24 School Year Online Registration Links
Kiosk Link – for NEW FAMILIES to the District without an email address
Email Link – For NEW FAMILIES or EXISTING FAMILIES WIHOUT A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT (will send an email with the Online Registration Application)
New or Existing Familes With Email Addresses Register Here
Parent Portal Link is used for existing parent/guardians to verify data for existing students or add new students.